Blog Vault365

How to Choose a Secure Backup Solution

Data loss can be a devastating blow to any organisation, leading to financial losses, legal repercussions, and reputational damage. A comprehensive backup solution is an essential safeguard against these risks, ensuring that your critical data remains protected even in the event of a hardware failure, cyberattack, or natural disaster.

With a plethora of backup solutions available, choosing the right one for your organisation can be a daunting task. To help you navigate this process, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide to selecting a secure backup solution that meets your specific needs.

Understanding Backup Types

Before delving into specific solutions, it’s crucial to understand the different types of backups available. Each type offers unique advantages and disadvantages, making it essential to select the one that aligns with your organisation’s requirements and budget.

  • Local
    backups: These backups store data on physical storage devices, such as external hard drives or tape drives. While local backups offer direct control over your data and are often more affordable, they are less resilient to physical damage or theft.
  • Cloud
    backups: Cloud backups store data on remote servers operated by a third-party provider. This method offers scalability, accessibility from anywhere, and protection from physical disasters. However, cloud backups may incur ongoing subscription costs and raise concerns about data privacy.
  • Hybrid
    backups: Hybrid backups combine local and cloud storage, providing the benefits of both methods. Data is stored locally for quick retrieval, while a copy is maintained in the cloud for disaster recovery. However, hybrid backups can be more complex to manage and may incur higher costs.

Key Considerations for Secure Backup Solutions

When evaluating backup solutions, consider the following critical factors:

  • Data volume and growth: The amount of data you need to protect and the
    anticipated growth rate will influence your storage requirements.
  • Recovery time objectives (RTOs) and recovery point objectives (RPOs): RTOs define the acceptable downtime for data recovery, while RPOs determine the acceptable data loss. Choose a solution that can meet your RTOs and RPOs.
  • Security features: Data security is paramount. Ensure the backup solution employs robust encryption, access controls, and data integrity verification mechanisms.
  • Ease of use and management: The backup solution should be user-friendly and easy to manage, even for non-technical personnel.
  • Vendor reputation and support: Choose a reputable vendor with a proven track record of providing reliable backup solutions and comprehensive technical support.

Evaluating Backup Solutions

Once you’ve identified your requirements, start evaluating potential backup solutions. Research online reviews, compare pricing plans, and consider requesting demos or free trials.

Implementing and Maintaining Your Backup Solution

Once you’ve chosen a solution, carefully implement the backup process, ensuring all critical data is included. Establish a regular backup schedule and test your backups periodically to verify their integrity and recoverability.


A secure backup solution is an indispensable tool for safeguarding your organisation’s critical data. By considering the factors outlined above and carefully evaluating available solutions, you can make an informed decision that protects your data and ensures business continuity. Remember, data loss is not an option; a secure backup solution is an investment in your organisation’s future.


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Vault365 Video Series

What is Off Site Air-Gapped Backup and why is it important?

Welcome to our Vlog series!

Our first Vlog will look at understanding what Off Site Air-Gapped Backup is and why this is so vital to the security of your organisation.



Blog Vault365

Protecting Your Business: Why Backing Up Your Microsoft 365 Data is Essential

In today’s digitally driven world, businesses rely heavily on cloud-based platforms like Microsoft 365 (formerly known as Office 365) to streamline their operations. This suite of productivity tools, including Outlook, Word, Excel, and SharePoint, offers numerous benefits, such as improved collaboration and accessibility. However, there’s a common misconception that Microsoft 365 automatically safeguards your data. While it does provide robust security measures, it does not exempt your business from the need to back up your own Microsoft 365 data. In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons why businesses should take the initiative to back up their Microsoft 365 data.

Data Loss Happens

Even the most advanced cloud services can’t guarantee 100% data protection. Accidental deletion, malicious attacks, and software glitches can lead to data loss. If your business relies solely on Microsoft 365’s native data retention and recovery options, you may find yourself in a vulnerable position when data is lost.

Limited Retention Periods

Microsoft 365 has retention policies, but they are not designed to serve as long-term data backup solutions. They have limitations in terms of how long data can be retained, and they don’t protect against all types of data loss scenarios. If your business needs to access data that’s been deleted or altered beyond the retention period, you’ll be out of luck unless you have a dedicated backup.

Protection Against Security Threats

Cybersecurity threats like ransomware and phishing attacks are on the rise. If your organization falls victim to such an attack, it can result in data encryption, corruption, or loss. A separate backup solution provides a clean copy of your data that’s immune to these threats, allowing you to restore your systems to a secure state.

Compliance Requirements

Many industries have strict regulatory compliance requirements regarding data retention and protection. Relying solely on Microsoft 365’s native features may not be enough to meet these demands. Backing up your data ensures you have control over your compliance obligations and can produce necessary records when needed.

Business Continuity

Imagine a scenario where Microsoft 365 experiences a prolonged outage. Without access to your data, your business operations may grind to a halt, resulting in significant downtime and financial losses. A backup solution allows you to maintain business continuity by accessing your critical data even when Microsoft 365 is unavailable.

Ownership and Control

When you back up your Microsoft 365 data, you retain ownership and control over it. You’re not reliant on a third-party service provider to protect your business-critical information. This autonomy is invaluable when it comes to safeguarding your company’s interests.


Some businesses assume that investing in a backup solution is an unnecessary expense. However, the cost of losing data and the associated downtime can far exceed the investment in a reliable backup solution. It’s a proactive measure that can save you money in the long run.

While Microsoft 365 offers a powerful suite of tools, it does not provide foolproof data protection. Businesses must take responsibility for safeguarding their own data by implementing a dedicated backup solution. This approach ensures data resilience, security, and compliance while providing peace of mind in an unpredictable digital landscape. Don’t wait until data loss strikes; start backing up your Microsoft 365 data today to protect your business and its future success.

Customer Success Story Vault365

Customer Success Story: Cavan County Council

The Challenge:

Cavan County Council delivers over 900 services to more than 81,000 constituents. To deliver these services Cavan County Council, in line with the Irish Governments cloud-first initiative, deployed Microsoft’s M365. The immediate requirement is to secure Cavan County Council’s cloud data and improve existing data protection practices.

The Solution:

Vault365 together with our reseller Paradyn implemented a solution powered by Veeam Technology to standardise and improve data backup and protection across Cavan County Council’s Microsoft cloud tenant. With the Vault365 back up solution, Cavan County Council has also increased ransomware resilience with immutable backups in Vault365’s private cloud storage.
The solution currently backs up over 450 M365 accounts to cloud storage including Microsoft Teams. It also offers eDiscovery which leverages powerful search, restore and export options, all within the self-service portal providing the best RTO & RPO in the industry.


Considering recent negative cyber incidents in public sector, Ransomware is a major worry for Local Government. With immutable data in cloud storage, Cavan County Council now have peace of mind and confidence that their M365 data is securely protected and easily recovered, not to mention the speed at which backup and restore jobs now complete. This is a new era in backup technology and Cavan County Council IT staff are delighted to have this solution under their belt.

Working with Paradyn we were able to implement a powerful solution in Vault365  which eliminates the risk of losing access and control over our Office 365 data. The solution is powerful yet easy to use and ensures that backups are always available when needed. We use Vault365 to backup our user mailboxes, Onedrive and Sharepoint sites, restores are simple and data is secure, it meets our requirements perfectly”.– Enda Tiernan, Head of Information Systems

News Vault365

Vault365 forecasts revenues of over €2M as it launches in the UK

Cillian McCarthy, CEO Vault365

Vault365, a leading provider of data protection services, is today announcing it expects to achieve revenues in excess of €2M in the next 18 months. Following significant demand for its data backup and security capabilities in the first year since its launch in Ireland, Vault365 is now also launching its services in the UK market. 

Headquartered in Dublin and with a base in London, Vault365 provides an all-in-one backup, ransomware, and data protection solution, powered by Veeam Technology. It enables the fastest data restore in the industry for information stored both on premise and in cloud applications, including Microsoft 365. In addition, Backup as a Service (BaaS) forms a core part of Vault365’s product suite, delivering air gap offsite immutable protection. 

Vault365 has onboarded three resellers in Ireland who are delivering the service to 30 large enterprises across all industries. Vault365 is now securely backing up critical data for over 25,000 Microsoft 365 accounts. It will engage a further two resellers in the Irish market in 2023. It is also seeking channel partnerships with suitable resellers in the UK to drive further business growth. To help meet this demand, Vault365 is creating four new jobs in technical and sales roles across Ireland and the UK in 2023. Mike Basile has been appointed as UK&I Channel Manager for Vault365 in the UK.

In addition, the company has recently added Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) to the Vault365 portfolio which ensures that all data is securely hosted at, and immediately recoverable from, Vault365’s Irish and UK data centres. This eliminates the risk of data loss and means minimal downtime for organisations in the event of a major incident or loss of company data.

As Office 365 will only retain data for up to 30 days if deleted and up to 90 days after a subscription ends, Vault365 securely backs up and eliminates the risk of data loss on Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business and Microsoft Teams. The easily-managed solution also protects physical servers, virtual servers, cloud and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications. Businesses can leverage powerful search tools, fast and flexible recovery, and export options to perform eDiscovery across their entire backup environment. 

Cillian McCarthy, CEO, Vault365: “We believe that having secure and reliable backups is the first line of defence in cybersecurity. We are seeing a huge demand for data backup solutions among businesses in the face of an evolving cyber threat landscape, and this crucial service offers peace of mind to customers that their data is secure and operations can continue uninterrupted should an incident occur.  

“We are excited to scale up our Vault365 capabilities and expand our footprint into the UK, and are working closely with our partners to bring the full benefit of each solution to customers. Our growing team will provide our customers with the skills and expertise they need at every stage of their data backup and security journeys.”


How backing up can help against ransomware attacks

In recent years, ransomware attacks have become a significant threat to individuals and businesses alike. These malicious attacks use sophisticated techniques to lock down a victim’s files and demand a ransom in exchange for a decryption key. Ransomware attacks can be devastating, resulting in loss of sensitive data, financial harm, and reputational damage. However, backing up your files can be an effective way to protect against these attacks.

Backing up your files involves creating copies of your data and storing them in a secure location. By doing this, you can ensure that your data remains accessible even if your primary system is compromised by a ransomware attack. Here are some ways that backing up can help protect against ransomware:

Restore your files: If you have a backup, you can restore your files to a point before the ransomware attack occurred. This means that you can recover your data without having to pay the ransom or lose your files permanently. This approach is particularly effective if you have frequent backups, as you can choose to restore files from a backup taken just before the attack.

Reduce the impact of the attack: Ransomware attacks can be incredibly disruptive and can cause significant financial damage. By having backups, you can limit the impact of the attack by reducing the amount of data that is lost. This can help you get back up and running more quickly and minimize any potential downtime or financial losses.

Provide peace of mind: Backing up your files can provide peace of mind, knowing that your data is safe and recoverable. This can help you avoid paying ransoms or giving in to the demands of attackers. It can also help you avoid the stress and anxiety that can come with losing valuable data.

When it comes to backing up, there are several best practices to keep in mind. First, make sure that you have a reliable backup system in place that can automatically and regularly create backups of your data. This will help ensure that you always have access to the latest versions of your files. It’s also important to store your backups in a secure location that is separate from your primary system. This can help prevent attackers from accessing and infecting your backups.

In addition, consider using multiple backup methods to provide additional layers of protection. For example, you might use a cloud-based backup service in addition to backing up to an external hard drive. This can help ensure that your data is protected even if one backup method fails.

Finally, it’s important to regularly test your backup system to ensure that it is working correctly. This involves performing a mock restore of your data to ensure that your backups are functional and can be used to recover your files in the event of an attack.

Remember to follow best practices for backing up, including regularly testing your backups and storing them in a secure location. By taking these steps, you can help ensure that your data remains safe and accessible, even in the face of a ransomware attack.


Why immutability is vital for company backups

In the world of data storage and management, backups are a critical component for any business or organization. Backups ensure that in the event of a system failure, data loss, or other catastrophic events, crucial information can be restored and operations can resume. However, for backups to be reliable, one crucial factor is immutability.

Immutability refers to the state of being unable to change or alter data. In the context of backups, immutability means that once data is backed up, it cannot be modified, deleted, or corrupted. Immutability is vital for company backups for several reasons.

Firstly, immutability ensures the integrity of backups. When data is backed up, it is stored in a separate location or device. The backup serves as a point-in-time snapshot of the data, which can be used to restore the information in the event of a disaster. However, if the backup data is modified or deleted, it defeats the purpose of having a backup. Immutability ensures that the backup data remains unchanged, and the integrity of the backup is maintained.

Secondly, immutability provides protection against malicious attacks. Cyber-attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and businesses are vulnerable to ransomware, malware, and other forms of attacks. If a hacker gains access to a company’s systems and modifies or deletes data, it can cause significant damage. However, if backups are immutable, they provide protection against such attacks. Even if the original data is compromised, the immutable backup data can be used to restore the information.

Thirdly, immutability ensures compliance with regulatory requirements. Many businesses are subject to regulations that require them to retain data for a specific period. Immutability ensures that the data is retained in its original state and cannot be altered or deleted, which is a requirement for compliance.

Finally, immutability provides legal protection. In some cases, businesses may need to produce data as evidence in a legal proceeding. If the data has been modified or deleted, it can be challenged as unreliable or tampered with. Immutability ensures that the backup data is admissible as evidence and provides legal protection for the business.


In conclusion, immutability is vital for company backups. It ensures the integrity of backups, protects against malicious attacks, ensures compliance with regulatory requirements, and provides legal protection. As businesses rely increasingly on digital information, backups and immutability are essential components of data management and protection.


To discuss your Backup & Recovery options click here!


The importance of Offsite Backup

In today’s world, data is an integral part of every business, and its protection is paramount to the success and longevity of the company. As technology advances, the need for a backup plan has become increasingly important, especially for businesses that rely heavily on their digital assets. Offsite backup solutions offer an essential layer of security and data redundancy that can ensure that companies are protected against data loss and other catastrophic events.


Offsite backup is a process of backing up data to a remote location away from the primary business premises. The data is typically stored in a secure, dedicated data center that provides a higher level of protection against data loss due to natural disasters, theft, or other events that could impact the primary business location. There are several different types of offsite backup solutions, including cloud-based backups, hybrid solutions, and more.


One of the most significant advantages of offsite backup solutions is their ability to provide a level of redundancy and disaster recovery that can help protect businesses against data loss. In the event of a natural disaster or other catastrophic event, having a remote backup of important data can be the difference between recovering quickly and going out of business. Offsite backups also protect against data loss due to hardware failures, power outages, and other common IT issues.


Another benefit of offsite backup solutions is that they can help protect against cyber-attacks. With cybercrime on the rise, it’s critical for businesses to have a plan in place to protect their data against potential breaches. Offsite backup solutions can help protect against ransomware attacks and other cyber-attacks by ensuring that a copy of the data is stored in a secure location that is not directly accessible from the primary business location.


Offsite backup solutions also offer businesses the flexibility to scale their storage needs as their business grows. With cloud-based backup solutions, businesses can easily increase or decrease their storage needs without having to invest in additional hardware or infrastructure. This flexibility can be particularly valuable for small businesses that are just starting and may not have the resources to invest in expensive backup solutions.


In conclusion, offsite backup solutions are essential to a company’s security and should be considered a critical component of any comprehensive data protection plan. With the rise of cybercrime and other data loss events, businesses must take the necessary steps to protect their data and ensure that they can recover quickly in the event of a disaster. Offsite backup solutions offer an essential layer of protection against data loss, cyber-attacks, and other IT issues, and should be a priority for all businesses, regardless of their size or industry.


What are the advantages of Backup as a Service

In today’s digital age, data is considered one of the most valuable assets for businesses. Losing critical data can cause significant financial losses, damage to reputation, and even result in legal liabilities. That’s why backup solutions are essential to safeguard data and ensure business continuity. However, traditional backup solutions can be time-consuming, expensive, and often require significant IT resources to maintain. This is where Backup as a Service (BaaS) comes in.

BaaS is a cloud-based backup solution that allows businesses to back up their data to a remote, secure data center. With BaaS, businesses can take advantage of the benefits of cloud computing, including scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. Here are some of the advantages of Backup as a Service:

Data protection: The primary advantage of BaaS is data protection. With BaaS, businesses can ensure that their critical data is protected from loss due to hardware failure, natural disasters, cyber-attacks, or other unforeseen events. BaaS providers use advanced security measures, such as encryption and multi-factor authentication, to ensure the security and integrity of data.

Scalability: As businesses grow, their data storage needs also increase. With traditional backup solutions, businesses may need to invest in additional hardware to accommodate their growing data storage needs. However, with BaaS, businesses can easily scale up or down their backup storage requirements as needed without having to worry about hardware limitations.

Cost-effectiveness: Traditional backup solutions can be expensive, requiring businesses to invest in hardware, software, and IT resources. With BaaS, businesses can avoid these upfront costs and pay for only the storage they use, making it a cost-effective backup solution. Additionally, BaaS eliminates the need for businesses to invest in costly hardware upgrades or replacement.

Ease of use: BaaS is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for businesses to set up and manage their backups. With BaaS, businesses don’t need to worry about maintaining backup hardware or software, freeing up their IT resources to focus on other critical tasks.

Faster recovery: With BaaS, businesses can recover their data quickly and easily, reducing downtime in case of data loss. BaaS providers typically offer fast recovery times, ensuring that businesses can get back up and running as soon as possible.

In conclusion, Backup as a Service offers numerous advantages to businesses of all sizes. With BaaS, businesses can protect their critical data, scale their backup storage as needed, reduce costs, and enjoy a user-friendly backup solution that is easy to manage. If you haven’t already, consider adopting Backup as a Service as part of your data protection strategy.


What are the differences between Backup & Recovery


In the world of data management, backup and recovery are two essential processes that are often used interchangeably but actually refer to different stages in safeguarding data. While both processes are crucial to protecting important data, they serve different purposes and involve different approaches. In this blog, we will explore the difference between backup and recovery.


Backup is the process of creating a duplicate copy of data in case the original data is lost or damaged. The backup data is stored in a separate location, such as a backup server or cloud-based storage, to ensure that it is not affected by the same risks that could damage the original data. The backup process can be performed manually or automatically, and it can be done at various intervals, depending on the organization’s requirements.

Backups can be performed in various ways, such as full backups, incremental backups, and differential backups. A full backup involves copying all the data, while incremental and differential backups involve copying only the data that has changed since the last backup. Organizations often use a combination of backup types to ensure that their data is fully protected.


Recovery, on the other hand, is the process of restoring data from a backup to its original state. Recovery is necessary when data is lost or damaged due to a variety of reasons, such as hardware failure, software malfunction, human error, or cyber-attacks. The recovery process involves accessing the backup data and copying it back to the original location or a new location.

The recovery process can be performed in various ways, depending on the backup method used. Full backups are usually the easiest to recover since they involve restoring all the data. Incremental and differential backups require additional steps to restore the data, as they involve restoring the original data and then adding the changes made since the last backup.

Differences between Backup and Recovery

The key difference between backup and recovery is that backup involves creating a duplicate copy of data, while recovery involves restoring the data from the backup copy. Backup is a proactive process that involves preparing for potential data loss or damage, while recovery is a reactive process that involves responding to data loss or damage.

Another difference between backup and recovery is that backup can be performed regularly, such as daily or weekly, to ensure that the data is always up-to-date. Recovery, on the other hand, is only performed when necessary and is usually a time-sensitive process, especially in the case of critical data.


Backup and recovery are two essential processes in data management that are often used interchangeably but are different stages in safeguarding data. Backup involves creating a duplicate copy of data to protect against data loss or damage, while recovery involves restoring the data from the backup copy in case of data loss or damage. Both processes are crucial to protecting important data and should be given equal importance in any organization’s data management strategy.

At Vault365 we offer industry leading Backup & Recovery solutions for any organisation. 

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